
Epic Evangelistic Encounter At The Iowa State Fair!

While walking through the huge crowds of people at the fair last Saturday we decided to strike up a gospel conversation with a few cowboys… boots and hats and chaps and all. They were sitting on a bench sipping beer and taking in some sunshine when I walked up and asked them if they would like to participate in a questionnaire about family perspectives. Immediately it was evident that they were totally drunk… but they were also totally interested in the questionnaire! Three of their sober friends gathered around and also agreed to participate. So we dove into the questions:

1. Someone has said that the family is the basic unit of society. Would you agree?
2. How would you define a family?
3. What do you think is the most important element in keeping families together?
4. Do you think religion plays an important part in raising children?
5. Were you raised in any kind of a religious environment? Did that up-bringing help/hurt you?

We had some great conversation about questions 1-3 and then when we got to #4 one of my drunk cowboy friends said: “I’m an atheist”. I responded: “Oh, how interesting, why?” In a classic drunken stupor he slurred his words while mixing them with all kinds of cursing and cussing but at the same time communicating that “God wouldn't approve of all the wars that have been fought in the name of religion” to which I responded: “I agree…. but let me tell you something: You’re not an atheist” He said: “Yes I am” I said: “No you're not” He said: “Yes I am” I said: “No you're not”. After about a minute of this back and forth he was exhausted and finally said: “I’m not?”

I responded: “No, you’re not an atheist… you know that God exists…. you just don't believe in religion… I actually don't believe in religion either…. religion is mans attempt to get close to God but biblical Christianity teaches that God did everything to come close to man and now He offers us a relationship not religion.” At this point the two drunk cowboys exchanged a surprised look and then they gave each other a big high five. The rest of the group started asking some really good questions and we had an amazing conversation for about 15 more minutes. Finally I put my arm around the atheist (who wasn’t) and I said: “can I read you a verse?” He said: “Sure” So I read 1 Cor 6:10. “Nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”

I looked into his eyes with love and I said: “Cowboy, you're drunk…. You heard the verse. I’m worried about you…. What are you going to do on judgment day?” He looked at me and with tears rolling down his cheeks he said: “I don't know… What can I do?” I replied: “Look at the next verse! You can be washed! You can be sanctified, you can be forgiven in the name of the Lord Jesus. Your only hope is Jesus man! What are you going to do with Jesus?” My atheist cowboy friend gave me a big hug and just kept repeating “That’s what I need… That’s what I need.”

While this whole thing probably looked quite comical with the hugging drunk cowboy, it actually really was a serious moment for him and the rest of his buddies. Everyone of those hardened guys (some were drunk and some were sober) wanted to hear more about Jesus! Please pray for those cowboys and for the hundreds of others that heard the gospel last week at the fair!

Our whole family had a blast at the Testify camp where I taught evangelism to 40 valiant evangelists. After preparing in the classroom we went out and actually did it. The above story is just one of many awesome conversations that we had as we tried to share the gospel with everything that moved at the fair. Please pray that the Lord would raise up and inspire more evangelists to take the gospel into every corner of our dark and needy world.

Missions quote for the day by the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:16 "Woe is me if I do not preach the gospel."

Next up: Micah preaches at a college/career retreat on Anvil Island in BC Canada (8/30-9/3) Amy travels to Bogota Colombia to help long time missionaries and friends Brian and Sharon Killins (9/3-9-7)

Micah for the Tuttle's

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