
Tuttletidbits from Dubuque Iowa

Since our last update we've had many great opportunities to preach the gospel and encourage the Lord's people in Atlanta, Seattle, Portland, Sioux Falls, Dubuque, Baltimore, Augusta and Raleigh..... We have driven thousands of miles through several States and we've flown over many more. We are very thankful for those that have prayed for us. The Lord seems to be doing something special!

After arriving back in the USA from our epic BLAZE discipleship trip to the jungles of Peru, we kicked off September with a youth retreat in Dahlonega Georgia. About 200 youth showed up at Camp Hope and the Lord really worked in many lives. After the messages on both Friday and Saturday nights I talked with precious and broken souls until the early morning hours about God's great love and mercy and restoration that can be found in Jesus Christ. It was a special time and a tremendous opportunity to impact many people with God's word.

When things wrapped up at Camp Hope we had just enough time to load up the van and drive to Seattle where we did a SPARK event with the rest of the team from Emmaus International. It was encouraging to see 40 brothers and sisters who came with a serious desire to go forward in the areas of evangelism and discipleship! These SPARK conferences are really going well and the Lord is using them to inspire and encourage all those who attend. Please pray for this ministry!

After spending time with the brethren in Seattle we headed to Eagle Fern Camp near Portland Oregon. Over the course of that weekend I preached five times there at Eastgate Bible Chapel's fall retreat. Amy and I and the kids had a fantastic time with all the brothers and sisters that were able to come out. It was a real privilege to open Gods word together! A major highlight was to see three new believers baptized! We are praying that they would go on for the Lord and bear much fruit!

The following weekend I flew to Baltimore where I had the opportunity to preach at a youth event. It was a great conference and the Lord really blessed our time. The biggest highlight for me was crossing paths with Fred Ruff (Missionary to China). The very first time I ever preached a sermon was about 19 years ago in Seattle at a missionary focus event. I was a co-speaker with Fred and I'll never forget how he took me aside after the conference and he gave me 30 minutes of godly council about ministry and then....... he signed his conference check over to me! He never knew the impact that would have on a 23 year-old, prospective missionary kid. Thank the Lord for those old guys that encourage and pour into the lives of the next generation!

Last weekend Amy and I had a whirlwind of travel and speaking as we left the kids in good hands at home in Dubuque and then flew to Augusta Georgia. Upon arrival Amy rented a car and drove to Raleigh NC where she shared at a women's conference while I stayed there in Augusta to preach at a Missions event. We both had effective and encouraging times with the different groups and it was great to meet more of our family in Christ! Please pray that the Lord would raise up a new generation of missionaries and evangelists and preachers and brothers and sisters with a passion to live lives not wasted!

Missions quote for the day: "You cannot preach conviction of sin unless you have suffered it. You cannot preach repentance unless you have practiced it. You cannot preach faith unless you have exercised it. True preaching is artesian; it wells up from the great depths of the soul. If Christ has not made a well within us, there will be no outflow from us." -C.H Spurgeon

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