
Mall tragedy averted, not by a gun but by the Sword (Eph 6:17)

Since I last wrote an update we've had many opportunities to preach God's word in churches, conferences, homes and in the streets. I've been able to, not only teach evangelism but also do it, in places like Philadelphia PN, Belmar NJ, Albert Lee MN, Boston MA, Chicago IL, Rochester NY, and of course, in Dubuque IA. There are many stories to tell about the great things that God is doing as He continues to open doors to preach Christ to anything and everything that moves. For the sake of "reader attention span" I'll just give a part of one of those stories.... The following conversation was one of the most epic I've ever had and it sets my heart on fire to keep fishing for the Lord! It goes like this:

"You don't realize what's going on".... the gangster said.... "I have a knife in my pocket.... I was sitting here planning how I was going to stab those two punks that are over there. I had just decided that it was worth going to jail for, if the cops catch up to me........ and then God sends you to talk to me!! Who are you!?! This must be some kind of a divine appointment!"

Mall stabbing averted!.......

This encounter happened on Saturday, at our Spark conference in Boston as I led 40 brothers and sisters to a nearby shopping Mall to do some evangelism..... I had approached this angry looking gangster type of guy who seemed to be just smoldering with hate. I tried to be friendly and I asked if he'd like to participate in a questionnaire that I was doing. He just looked at me..... so I proceeded by saying: "The first question is; Do you believe in a higher power?" His face kinda fell and he answered: "Yes, I guess I do." I replied: "If you could ask anything from that higher power what would it be?" With that question he paused, almost melted, looked down and sadly said: ........ "Forgiveness." I asked: "How do you think you can get that forgiveness?" He replied: "I have no idea.... I wish I knew."

At this point I abandoned the questionnaire and said: "I think you're spot on with your one wish... forgiveness is everyone's greatest need. When you think about it we've all sinned in more ways than we can count. Have you ever lied? Stolen? Lusted? Envied? Hated?" .... He had tears in his eyes and he said: "All of those things and many more have me in chains.... what can I do?" I said: "The whole message of the Bible tells us about how we, who bear Gods image, have rebelled against Him and broken all of His high requirements that are set forth in the Ten Commandments.... On judgment day, which is fast approaching, you will have to give an account for everything you've ever done, said, or even thought about."

Once again the gangster anxiously asked: "What can I do!?" I replied: "Your only hope is Jesus! God became a man and lived the perfect life that you couldn't live. He died on that cross enduring the wrath of God the Father and paid the price that you should have had to pay for your sins.... Friend, repent! Come to Jesus while there's still time! He's your only hope to be set free from those chains of sin that are holding you prisoner!"

That's when the gangster who, now had tears rolling down his cheeks, replied: "You don't realize what's going on"..... "I have a knife in my pocket.... I was sitting here planning how I was going to stab those two punks that are standing over there. I had just decided that it was worth going to jail for, if the cops catch up to me........ and then God sends you to talk to me!! Who are you!?! This must be some kind of a divine appointment!"

I told him: "Don't you see what's happening!? The Devil is destroying your life! He wants to wreck you and take you to hell.... and you're giving in... one decision at a time! .... Yet God loves you, he wants to restore you, fill your life with meaning and purpose and give you that forgiveness and restoration that you don't deserve but so desperately need! You need to come to Jesus in repentance and faith!" I said: "You're right about this being a divine appointment! I'm not from here, I've never even been in Boston before, I'm only here in this mall for one hour and it's because God sent me to talk with you! ..... What will you do with Jesus?"

More tears came, as he begged me to pray for him. After praying together we continued to talk about God's righteousness, coming judgement and His great mercies. Too many things were discussed to write them all here at this time but just let me ask you to please pray for "Angel" the gangster.

Missions quote for the day by C.H Spurgeon: "To be a soul winner is the happiest thing in the world."

Micah for the Tuttle's

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