On Facebook I recently posted about a great evangelistic opportunity that I had at a local university in Dubuque. Here on this blog I would like to write about the bigger context of that event.
Back in April I took a group to Loras college to do some personal evangelism. As the group split up, myself and another brother went into the multicultural center were we found about six or seven college students hanging out. I asked if they would like to participate in a questionarre about religious perspectives.... and..... They all responded positively! They even pulled up a chair for me and invited me to sit down. We had a very engaging and friendly conversation for about twenty minutes about whether or not a higher power exists, what happens after death and where morality comes from... Finally I came around to the question of: "Who do you think Jesus is?"...... and that's where the trouble started. The professor of intercultural studies had been there and was happily participating in the conversation up to that point, but at this question of "who Jesus is" he said: "Im going to have to put an end to this questionarre, and ask you to leave now." I responded by saying "Oh, I didn't mean to offend anyone but Thank you for your time, it was great to hear all your perspectives on these things." I shook everyones hand (each one was quite friendly and thanked me for the conversation... except the professor). I went out the hall and down the elevator.
When the elevator opened up on the next floor down we were greeted by a security guard who said: "I've been told that there are some people ramming religion down others throats and I'm here to escort them off campus." I said: "Oh, I'm sorry they might have been referring to us but I assure you we weren't cramming anything down anyones throat. We were just doing a questionare about religious perspectives.... Here is the sheet, the first question is: "Do you think that a higher power exists?" Surprisingly the security guard was quite interested and responded: "Oh, I was raised in a religious home, I used to read the bible all the time and I've kinda drifted from it all" .... after a few minutes it was like he caught himself and he said: "Oh, I almost forgot, I have to escort you guys off campus and ask you not to come back again" .... It turned into a very friendly kick-out :)
Fast forward three months. I was invited by a brother who helps run a summer sports camp at that same university. They wanted me to speak to about 150 college age coaches and leaders, almost all of whom were unbelievers. When I was introduced as a missionary to Peru that was going to give a message from the Bible some of the youth immediately began to mock. Someone from the back a row yelled: "jungle-preacher" while others were laughing and rolling their eyes.... It was great! Just the kind of crowd I like! I began with an illustration that grabbed everyones attention and when I started to talk about sin, righteousness, judgment and Jesus everyone seemed stunned. When I finished, many of the coaches just sat there thinking in silence while others approached me, wanting to talk seriously about the Lord! One of those that came to talk to me said: "Do you remember me?" "I was in the multicultural center when our professor kicked you out a few months ago. I'm so glad you came back to pick up where you left off and tell us about "the person of Jesus." !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please pray that the Lord would work in the hearts of those young people as they think about these things!
Micah for the Tuttle's
- At July 12, 2018 at 8:09 PM Anonymous said...
Your mission field is wherever you are! Continuing in prayer for you, and thanking God for equipping you.