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    Last week, I received an invitation to speak to a secular college in Portland, Oregon via zoom. I was told that they have been looking for speakers who have lived in a cross-cultural context to share their experiences with the student body. Reportedly, one of the recent speakers shared about his experience in Asia, centering his talk on how one can find happiness through Buddhism. Following this presentation, one of the board members suggested they have a Christian missionary speak about his or her cross-cultural experiences. The other board members, who believe themselves to be very tolerant, postmodern and inclusive, agreed to the idea. This is how I ended up receiving the aforementioned invitation which I eagerly accepted! I sent them the requested bio and went to work on preparing my talk. 

    It wasn't more than a couple days later, I was again on the phone with the dear sister who had been coordinating things. She related that her supervisors had done their research and had decided to retract the invitation. After only an initial search, both Facebook and Youtube had turned up enough material for them to quickly determine that I was not the kind of Christian missionary they were looking for. Someone that preaches Jesus is the only way to heaven is definitively dangerous. They concluded that missionaries that try to change cultures and convert people of other religions into Bible believers are radical and exclusive. 


Though disappointed at the unrealized opportunity, I was elated and encouraged that my message was clear to them. The gospel is an inclusive yet exclusive message. It is an inclusive message because "whosoever believes shall not perish but have eternal life." All are invited to come into a right relationship with God through Christ. It is exclusive because God has made it clear that there is just One Way. The religions of the world can’t save you from the wrath to come. Only those who trust Christ will be saved from sin and hell. This salvation is obtained by grace through faith in Christ's redemptive work alone. Our own merit and efforts are excluded - neither morality, nor rituals can save sinners. Only Jesus Christ can save! (John 14:6, Acts 4:12, 1Tim 2:5). 

    The world desperately needs the love of Christ and as followers of Jesus it is our responsibility to communicate His love! Please pray for us as we continue to preach this inclusive and yet exclusive gospel message revealed in God’s infallible word. Next up: Texas Tech in Lubbock Texas! 

Micah for the Tuttles

Missions Quote for the Day by Walter Martin: 

"The gospel is an exclusive message in an inclusive world and we are called to share that exclusive Jesus with others. Truth by definition is exclusive. If truth were all-inclusive, nothing would be false." 


At January 22, 2021 at 8:39 PM Mike Johnson said...

I'm not at all surprised they withdrew the invitation. Thank God His own invitation to forgiveness and salvation still stands! May God continue to uphold you in bringing the gospel to those who will hear.


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