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Tuttle-tidbits for January 2024


Three weeks ago we arrived in our beloved Tarapoto Peru.  It's so good to be back!  We left Dubuque IA right in between two big snow storms and -10F temperatures..... When we arrived in Tarapoto it was +90F and super humid. I guess you could call us "snow-birds" :)  The reality is that here in Peru school is out and these are the summer vacation months when most of the youth are available for camps and capacitation courses and missions trips.  It's a strategic time to be here!  We are pretty much settled in now and we've started to kick things into high gear.  Please pray for us and the many opportunities we will have here during the next several months.                                                                            


Our oldest son Javen and his wife Autumn have accompanied us and they will be here for the duration of this trip (until early May).  Autumn has been focusing on the intercultural studies major at Emmaus Bible College and to wrap up her four year degree she is required to do a missions internship outside of the USA.  What better place to do it than in Peru?! She has been commended through CMML for the next four months and will be getting a first hand over-seas missions experience. Autumn is studying spanish, getting acquainted with the culture, accompanying Javen and I on pastoral visits, going on river trips and trying to employ her gifts in every way she can.  We are so glad that Javen and Autumn are here with us! Please pray for them as they adapt to all the changes :)



Our church here in town is doing well!  It used to be that whenever we left Tarapoto for a few months the church would really struggle.  Happily, that is no longer the case!  There are about eighty saints that are led by three elders who are doing a good job of preaching and teaching and shepherding the flock.  We also have several older women who are discipling the younger women, while at the same time are carrying on a solid children's ministry. In addition to all of this, many of the youth have really stepped up and are eagerly taking on many ministry responsibilities. About half of the church is made up of young people (18-30 year-olds) for which we are praising the Lord!


Souls! Souls! While walking through the streets and markets and plazas and observing precious souls on every side it is hard to resist the urge to publicly proclaim the hope that is offered in Christ. Jesus said he saw the people "like sheep without a shepherd" Isn't it like that today... Isn't it like that everywhere? Open air preaching, one on one evangelism, house to house gospel work... just do something!  There's nothing like jumping up on a table and preaching your heart out.  Please pray for my vocal cords :)  .... Every time I do this it produces amazing one on one conversations with interested individuals.  You basically find three groups of people: Some mock, some want to hear more and some believe (see Acts 17:32-34).  Oh how we long to see more in the "some believed" category!    


"Tell the students to give up their small ambitions and come eastward to preach the gospel of Christ." 


Micah for the Tuttle's


At January 27, 2024 at 10:47 PM Anonymous said...

PTL! May God bless your ministry with receptive hearts & fruitful conversations that produces lasting fruit!!


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