We are in full construction mode! As many of you know, we hope to open a bible institute next spring and there are a lot of details to work out between then and now. We've entertained lots of ideas, had lots of meetings and done lots of manual labor. We are trying our best to get things ready for our starting date of March 6th. We will see if we make it. Jesse Mattix has been a huge help doing innumerable little things like working on our website (ibemselva.wordpress.com), getting propaganda out and thinking through the execution of every detail. He is very good in the areas where I am lacking. We are forming a good team!
In the midst of all the construction and planning there has been plenty of ministry to do too. We were able to make a whirlwind trip to the coast where I preached in the streets, in houses and in churches. There are so many opportunities to preach the gospel and to encourage the saints that it is difficult to balance my time. I taught through the book of Hebrews in the bible institute in Trujillo, preached about hell in the church in Lima, encouraged the brethren to be evangelists in Puerto Maldonado and proclaimed the gospel in the open air in all three of those places.
Amy had a busy three weeks in which she traveled to the States to speak at and participate in a few homeschool conferences. While at those conferences she was able to present her book "discover reading" which she just finished writing prior to her trip and then had it printed off with the help of our good friend, pastor Bill Webster. We are so proud of Amy! She is an amazing wife, mom, teacher and now published author! It is great to be back together as a family again and now everyone is settling back into a "normal" routine of life here in Tarapoto.... back to school, church, evangelism, river trips, construction...
Missions Quote for the day by Jonathan Edwards: "Resolution One: I will live for God. Resolution Two: If no one else does, I still will."
Micah for the Tuttle's