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This morning I preached from Revelation 22. It seemed that the Lord really used it. Praise Him for the work He does in our hearts through the hearing of His word!

At breakfast we had turtle eggs that were mostly raw! Yum! No kidding they are quite tasty :)

Throughout the day I was able to pretend that I was a medical doctor. People in these villages are constantly battling with parasites, ulcers, and malnutrition. Because of limited quantities, I tried to keep it quiet that I had anti-parasite pills, vitamins and antibiotics but when the brothers realized that I was giving out medicine word spread quickly and soon the lines started to form. It was great to help these needy people :)

This afternoon I preached from Genesis 3-5. People listened well but I felt powerless as the seed seemed to fall on many hard hearts. Later that evening we moved the meeting out in the street, where I got up on a chair and preached from Mark 8:34-38. This time many seemed to be convicted of sin and drawn to the Savior. Only God knows what happens in the hearts of men! We finished the day with a video of Bert and Colleen Elliot's memorial service.


At June 30, 2012 at 6:55 AM Roselee said...

Good Morning. From here to there!
I love you all and you are in my heart and prayer.
Turtle eggs! ugh..but I do love duck eggs ( guess its the Indian in me) LOL. But it is rare to be able to get them.
Praising our Lord for His work thru you. His word will never go void. So tho you may feel it sometimes vanish into thin air. Remember He is in His word, He is there! Ok
God Bless you bunches.
In His love and hugs too.

At June 30, 2012 at 12:02 PM Anonymous said...

Please tell me the turtle egg was cooked. Love the updates and seeing how God is using your love for him in an infectious way.


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