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We are enjoying a five month visit from short-term missionary, Ian Posey from Vancouver Washington. When he finishes his time with us he is planning on studying at Moody Bible institute and preparing for a future in missions. He is trying to learn spanish and get a taste of the mission field here in Peru. Last week Ian put in a lot of good language practice as we went together to a bible capacitation course in the nearby jungle town of Yurimaguas. Several of the students took it upon themselves to be his Spanish teachers. It was fun for everyone involved.

The week in Yurimaguas was an exciting yet exhausting one for me. Each day involved preaching, teaching, evangelizing, counseling and generally investing in the students from about 6am to 11 pm. By the end of the week my throat was sore and my head ached but it was a good pain :) I preached almost every night in different churches and it was great to see a genuine excitement and interest in God's word.

Walter, one of the brothers that studied at the capacitation course is from an indigenous group called the "Shauwi". All week long Walter was begging me to go with him and visit one of the Shauwi villages where he has planted an assembly so when our week of studies was over Walter, Ian, Eber and I set out for Shauwi-land with the desire of making Christ's name great among the natives. Missions work has already been done with this tribe in other areas and they even have the bible in their own language so a major goal of ours was to just encourage Walter in the work that the Lord is doing through him.

Most of the natives could understand Spanish but prefered Shauwi so in the meetings I preached in Spanish and then Walter got up and basically preached my sermon all over again in Shauwi. It worked pretty good... kinda like a double-whamy :) It was very interesting and encouraging to hear Walter (normally very shy and quiet) preaching with great passion in his mother tongue! We were only able to be there for a day and a night but we tried to make the most of our time. Both times that I preached there were people that made professions of faith in Christ. Walter will be following up with these new believers. Please pray for them.

Missions quote of the day by Leonard Ravenhill: "Are the things you're living for worth Christ's dying for?"

Micah for the Tuttle's


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