Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The other day a brother and I decided we would celebrate the Christmas season by giving away some 2012 calender-tracts in the main square. After giving away about fifty or so calenders I stopped and shared some Christmas verses with a couple that was seated on one of the benches. Soon the people from the next bench over came to see what was going on and then, much to my delight, a few passer-by's stopped to listen also.
A crowd draws a crowd and we had a open air meeting in the making! After preaching for about a half of an hour to an ever-growing group we gave out a bunch of New Testaments and the last of our tracts. There were a lot of interested people with sincere questions and a desire to hear more about the "reason for the season". We praise God for this Christmas evangelism opportunity. Please pray for those that heard the message.
The quote for the day is: "Wise men still seek Him"
I don't know who originally said it but I learned it from a friend and brother, Luke Goff, from Seattle Washington who wrote it on the nativity scene that their family has put out this year.
Merry Christmas!
-Micah for the Tuttle's
Labels: evangelism, Trujillo
Labels: construction, prayers answered, Tarapoto
The weekend before last, I was able to visit with and encourage the brethren in Tarapoto. Praise the Lord, the church is doing well! We had meetings to talk about the transitioning leadership (the brother the Lord sent to take our place last year will return to his hometown and our young men will be taking over), we discussed logistics of the youth meeting, and we broke bread together on Sunday.
The following Monday, myself and 3 young men headed out on a river trip to visit several different villages. The believers in each village were very excited to see us as our visit was unplanned and quite a surprise to all. It's been about nine months since I last visited these churches, so it was a real blessing to see these precious brothers and sisters and to note their growth in the Lord.
Ministry included dealing with church problems, doing lots of evangelism, preaching open air and taking medicine to the sick. The menu included broiled fish, corn on the cob, plantains cooked in the ashes and the famous jungle drink "mazato" (manioc spit juice). The motive was God's glory, including man's salvation and the church's edification.
Please pray for Jilmer, Delmith, Martha and Jaquelin who knelt and made professions of faith in the wet grass of Achinamisa, late Monday night after the open air meeting. It was exciting to preach and watch the Holy Spirit working on people's hearts, convicting them of sin and driving them to the Savior.
-Micah for the Tuttle's
Missionary quote for the day:
"It will not do to say that you have no "special call" to go. With the facts before you and the command of our Lord Jesus, you need rather to ascertain whether you have a "special call" to stay at home." -Hudson Taylor
Labels: jungle trip, our ministry, river trip diaries, Tarapoto
Dear friends and family:
When we arrived in Yarina, we were warned that the day before 9 trucks were assaulted along the dirt road that leads to the next village. Myself and the three brothers with me had to get back to Tarapoto so we decided to "go for it" and took the only 4x4 that was willing to try the trip. God is good, he protected us and we made it to the next village (Pongo), escaping all thieves.
Things really got exciting from Pongo on. We'd experienced torrential rains for about 4 days in a row and village after village was flooded. There were landslides everywhere. They told us that the highway to Tarapoto would be closed for at least a week. Once again we decided to "go for it" and attempt to walk to where we might be able to catch a car to Tarapoto.
Finally, when we got to the last and biggest landslide, a front-loader was there working to make a way through. We had to sit and wait in the dark for about 3 hours until they let us cross. It was a nice rest since we were completely exausted, very dirty, sweaty and hungry. On the other side there was a car to take us to Tarapoto and best of all.. hot bread to eat.. (we hadn't eaten for about 23 hours). Bread never tasted so good!!
Labels: jungle trip, river trip diaries
Dear friends and family,
A few weeks ago our Bible institute here in Trujillo had a retreat with about 50 of our students. It was a great time of fellowship, fun and encouragement. Guest speaker, Mark Davies, from Scotland came and gave us some excellent ministry from God's word. Everyone was challenged and blessed by our time together.
Most of these 50 students are key people in their assemblies across the country and we pray that God will use them to evangelize the lost, guide their congregations in truth, and make God's name great among the nations.
Missionary quote of the week: "Give me 100 men who fear nothing but sin in their own lives and want nothing but God and God alone; I care not whether they be clergymen or laymen, they will shake the gates of hell and set up God's kingdom upon the earth." - John Westley
-Micah for the Tuttle's
We just got back from a quick ministry trip up in the majestic Andes mountains. On the drive we continually thanked God for our new car which performed amazingly as it hauled not only our family but also our friends and fellow-missionaries Whily and Niki and baby Mateo Hanson/Cacho. We climbed up over the 12,000 ft summit and then descended down into the historic city of Cajamarca where the Inca empire fell to 153 Spaniards 5 centuries ago. We lived and worked in this town for 4 years and so it was really great to see familiar faces and places.
We tried to encourage the believers as we visited and prayed with many of them. I was able to preach to the whole church on Sunday morning and then to the married couples in the evening. But I had the most fun preaching to a bunch of unbelievers on the soccer field in the afternoon. It was amazing that they were willing to stop in the middle of their game and listen to the gospel. When I ended, instead of rushing back to play, they asked me to keep preaching! ..... Only in Peru....
Missionary quote of the day: When asked of John Westley why so many people come to hear him preach he said "I light myself on fire and people come to watch me burn"
-Micah for the Tuttles
Dear friends and family,
STOP GIVING! WE HAVE ENOUGH FOR THE CAR! "Then Moses gave an order and they sent this word throughout the camp: “No man or woman is to make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary.” And so the people were restrained from bringing more, because what they already had was more than enough to do all the work." (Ex 36:6-7)
While in the States a few brothers and sisters asked us about needs that we might have and I sometimes mentioned a need for reliable transportation. In a previous blog (a month ago) I wrote about how God was beginning to provide for this need and that brothers and sisters from different churches had sent us about $9,000 for a new car. I also mentioned that the car we were looking at was about $20,000.
We didn't know how God would work or how long He might have us wait so we just prayed and put it into His hands. We didn't ask anyone for money or try to twist anyone's arm on this, we just tried to look to God "who owns the cattle on a thousand hills." When we received last months CMML statement we were amazed to see that God moved different people (some that we don't even know) from different places to provide $11,630! That made our grand total $20,630 .... the exact cost of the minivan we were looking at!... The Lord provides!
We now have a 2011 JAC "refine" 12 passenger minivan that will help us immensely as we make our cross country treks between the jungle, mountains and coast. We want to thank our great God and all of those that He used to bless us with this helpful ministry tool.
"The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord." This time He has chosen to give and we want to Bless His holy name and give Him the glory.
-Micah for the Tuttle's
Everywhere we go people gawk at our family. Yes, we stick out like sore thumbs because we are white and blond (sort of) but it's mostly because there are so many of us. People just can't believe that we have FIVE kids, and that we actually go places together... all of us!
Last week I was preaching in a church and mentioned that "we need preachers and evangelists and pastors to minister in the most difficult places." As I looked across the room at the approving wide eyes and nodding heads I said "Others of you may be called to have large families and train your 5 or 6 kids in righteousness." Immediately faces changed and even contorted. It was as if I was no longer speaking Spanish but Martian..... It seems that not many want the "curse" of several kids.
Doesn't the Bible say that children are a blessing? As a big family we feel that we have a tremendous opportunity to shine that much more in a dark and lost world. Yes, we have all kinds of flaws and imperfections but we desperately want to be different in an anti-christian, anti-family society that is full of broken and dysfunctional homes. Families everywhere need the Lord and they need to see Him where the rubber meets the road, in my family and in yours.
-Micah for the Tuttle's
I thought it would be funny to include this silly song that Amy and the kids put together. This was part of their folk song study (not too spiritual but very fun:)
Labels: family
Dear friends and family,
Bria, Mya and I just got back from doing a little street evangelism. The girls had a great time passing out tracts and N.T's in the main square. At one point I tried to give a tract to an angry looking young man who said he didn't want it but then when Bria came up behind me holding out her tract a big smile broke out on his face and he gladly accepted it... It sure does help to have a couple of cute, gringa, princess girls with me!!!
Exactly one month ago today we arrived back in Peru. Everyone in the family has been doing well as we readjust to life here in South America. Ministry-wise there has been a lot to do. At the Bible institute I've been teaching "Bibliology" and "Paul's missionary journey's". In the churches I've been able to preach and lead a few Bible studies. And on the streets I've been able to give out tracts and have some good one on one conversations. Please pray that the Lord would be magnified in us as we seek to do His will.
Here's the missions quote for the day: "It will not do to say that you have no 'special call' to go. With the facts before you and the command of our Lord Jesus Christ you need rather to ascertain whether you have a 'special call' to stay at home." -Hudson Taylor
-Micah for the Tuttle's
Dear friends and family,
The fishing is real good here! Now that we are getting settled in a bit I have been looking for opportunities to fish for men and I’ve had some great conversations. After sharing the gospel with a taxi driver last night he said: “I’ve never heard the Bible explained like that before, I’m going to start reading it for myself to see if I can find the same meaning and purpose in life that you have.” Wow! Pray for Marco!
Today I came across the following quote by William Carry and I heartily agree with it: “I’m not afraid of failing I’m afraid of succeeding at things that don’t matter” ..........
Getting into the game and trying to save souls matters! Life is short, focus on the important things. Our situation is urgent. Don't waste time. Be assertive. Go fishing!
Micah for the Tuttles
We made it! A big thank you to everyone who was praying for us on our trek back to Peru! Happily, we arrived in Lima without a single glitch. We are all pretty glad to be back. Thursday we'll take an overnight bus to Trujillo where we'll be excited to see everyone here on the coast and to get in on the (IBEM) Bible Institute plans before we prepare for our move back to the jungle. [we're here now! bus trip went well!]
Yesterday we spent some time looking for a much needed vehicle. We've outgrown our good ol' faithful, yet tired 25yo Isuzu Trooper, lovingly referred to as the 'Tuttle Trooper' which has now broken down in the middle of nowhere on our last three trips from the jungle to the coast (17hr drive).
We mentioned our need of a new vehicle to a few people who specifically asked, and I want to share how really neat it has been to see how God has already begun to provide for this! Last Sunday just before I got up to preach, Uncle Dick from EBC in Portland, came to me and said "Someone has just given $1,000 for your car fund"... I thought, 'Wow, we don't even have a car fund!' When I finished preaching he said, "I just received another $1000 for your car!" Later, at lunch Dick called my parents' house to say, "$1,700 more!".... We are floored by the goodness of God through the generosity of His people! God provides!!!
Over the last few months we have set aside about $5,000 for a van. Added to the gifts from Eastgate Bible Chapel, we now have about $9,000. The van we're looking at is going to cost just under $20K. This is a LOT of money and we are not sure what God will do, but He continues to amaze and we want to praise Him for it! If you would like to help us buy a van, financial support can be sent to:
or you can also now give online!
Visit our page @
Labels: prayers answered, travel
Dear friends and family,
We continue to enjoy our time here in the States seeing friends and family and sharing about what the Lord is doing in Peru. I have been in contact with the brothers in Tarapoto and we were excited to hear that the church is doing well. There are several new believers that have joined the body since we left (Praise the Lord!). They also tell me that we no longer have a dirt floor. The brothers spent about $1000 of their money to pour concrete and put in a much needed "piso".
The brothers on the river will be having their biannual conference this Thursday through Monday. This is one of those conferences where brothers and sisters come from the 30 different villages and have meetings from 4:30 a.m till 11:59 p.m every day. Please pray for this conference, specifically that the believers would be encouraged and that many others would come to Christ through the preaching of the gospel.
-Micah for the Tuttle's
Dear friends and family,
The last few months have been a whirlwind of traveling, preaching, seeing old friends and having lots fun. We have been in seventeen states in the last two months and it has been a great time of encouragement to see what the Lord is doing in the USA as we share what the Lord is doing in Peru.
Upon arrival in Portland Oregon we had a wonderful time at the beach with our families and after that we crammed into Amy’s parents minivan and hit the road. We have driven over 6,000 miles and the car only broke down once (AAA tow truck + a good mechanic = on the road again in 2 hours). It was almost a pleasurable experience compared to breaking down in Peru (no AAA tow truck + no good mechanic = 2 days stranded).
We have watched the seasons change before our very eyes as it has gone from snow in Spokane to 100 F in San Antonio. We saw the horrible flooding in Memphis (water up to the windows on houses along the highway). We also passed through a small tornado-struck town in Arkansas (not as big as Joplin, but quite destroyed). We thank God that through our travels he has kept us from harm.
The kids have had a lot of fun making new friends and seeing old ones, playing with cool toys and eating yummy “American food”. Amy has tried to make our travels an educational experience especially at Mount Rushmore, the Alamo, Petrified forest and the Grand canyon. The only difficult thing has been too much time in the car.
On the ministry side of things I (Micah) have had the opportunity to speak at Emmaus Bible college, Moody Bible Institute, several churches and I even did a radio interview in Spanish to the greater Houston area. We have eaten meals with so many good friends and been on the receiving end of so much hospitality. We want to thank those of you who have shown us such love and support. Many people have asked if we are getting exhausted from the preaching and the traveling; and we answer that honestly it has been rejuvenating to visit and spend time in mutual spiritual encouragement with so many brothers and sisters in Christ.
Now we look forward to mutual encouragement in the Lord with the saints in the Northwest for a few months before going back to Peru on September 12th. Thank you for your prayers and financial support.
Micah for the Tuttle’s
Praise Him with us?!He is the one you praise; He is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes.
Lord willing, we will be traveling tomorrow night as planned, as a family!! Praises!
Labels: furlough, prayer requests, prayers answered, travel
Just to keep you all posted on the excitement that is our life in Peru...
We talked with the embassy yesterday only to be informed that our passports have reportedly arrived in Lima, but were confiscated by Peruvian Customs and subsequently lost.
Oh. my.
We still have 2 WHOLE DAYS for them to find them.
- Lord willing, tonight we travel by bus to Lima (8hrs).
- Tomorrow we'll go to the US embassy and find out the status of the passports.
- Wednesday we'll work on Micah's Peruvian document.
- Thursday we'll pick that up and fly to the US!
- Pray with us that all will go smoothly and that we will in fact be able to travel as a family...
- We've had some serious stomach sickness this last week, please pray that we'd be well for travel.
Labels: prayer requests, sickness, travel

Will you pray with us?!
When we were in Lima earlier this week, we ran into a couple unforeseen problems with our travel documents. While these problems should be rather easily resolved, they may not necessarily be quickly resolved. Of course, the Lord can make it happen! We are asking that He would speed things along and that there would be no loss or expensive change of flights.
Labels: prayer requests, travel
Tomorrow marks one week since Micah left to teach in a Bible capacitation program in the jungle (Yurimaguas). We talked briefly on the phone tonight as he's got quite a pile of papers and tests to grade, but he's happy to be finished with the teaching part. He's had a grueling week teaching 6-8 hours each day, and then sleeping in a tent in the same room as the students, who stayed up 'til the wee hours every night studying for his classes :)
Micah has been looking forward to traveling to Tarapoto tomorrow (where we've been for the last 2yrs). He'll spend two days with the church there before heading out of town for a week long river trip. I honestly can't remember which of the villages he'll be visiting, but then again, I'd venture that most of you wouldn't recognize them even if I did mention names, so I suppose it'll all be alright either way. :) Thankfully, the Lord is far more informed than we are, going before, working presently as well as following up afterward. Please pray that He would work mightily in hearts and that He would find Micah a useful instrument.
Please also specifically keep Micah and all the brothers who are still gathered there in Yurimaguas for another week of classes in your prayers as there has been an outbreak of dengue fever in the area. River trips always carry their own special risks as well, so please do pray for health and safety for the trip. Micah is excited because a friend/fellow missionary/adventurer will be joining him. You can also pray that the Lord would grant sweet fellowship and genuine encouragement for them both.
The kids and I are enjoying the time we've been in Trujillo, where we've had ample opportunity to catch up with friends and missionary family. What a neat blessing it's been to have some time here before we travel back to the States in mid-March.
Speaking of travel to the US... we do have a few dates set, but we'll be working feverishly on our itinerary plans just as soon as Micah gets back. We'll do our best to let you know where we'll be and when just as soon as we can. :)
Please accept my humble apologies for the lack of communication, as I had to leave the apartment for an internet connection until earlier this week, which for a multitude of reasons isn't as easy as it may seem at first glance:) Thank you all for continuing to pray regardless!
In Him,
Amy, on behalf of the rest of the Tuttle tribe
Labels: Capacitacion, jungle trip, river, Tarapoto, Yurimaguas
Wow. So much has happened since we last wrote... where to begin...?
We kept on thinking of writing an update, but alas thinking about writing is not the same as writing and even though you were all constantly in our thoughts, and though perhaps it is mostly true that it's the thought that counts, sitting down to write is actually quite helpful in the process and that's where we kept getting stuck... no time even to sit... until this week. So, here I am... sitting. rambling. um... right. on with the update already. :)
[feel free to omit the above portion of this correspondence when publishing in church prayer letters... ;) heheh]
December brought with it all the normal holiday busyness, in addition to a regional convention of river churches, and the packing of our entire household for storage, and tying up loose ends at church as we'll be away for a good number of months (here in Trujillo and Lord willing in the US), and in the midst of all the rest, entertaining visitors from the coast for a week (our beloved co-workers from IBEM in Trujillo & family),... well, surely you can imagine how much homeschooling we accomplished last month... uh huh. :)
We had to be out of the house we'd been renting, as well as arrive in Trujillo for classes by the end of the first week in January. After some car trouble, which did necessitate spending the night at a hotel practically in the middle of no where, we did eventually arrive in Trujillo safe and sound. Upon arrival, we made up for lost time by eating Papa John's pizza right away. :) of course.
That first week, Micah taught a class on how to preach for the students in Capacitacion Biblica, and will be teaching a class on parenting to the IBEM students this coming week. The first weekend in February, he'll be traveling back to the jungle for two weeks to participate in the Capacitacion Biblica in Yurimaguas as well as to take advantage of visiting the church in Tarapoto.
Lord willing, we anticipate being able to travel to the States towards the middle/end of March. We look forward to giving a report of what we've seen and experienced of the Lord's work here as well as catching up personally with many of you. If you're interested in letting us talk your ear off hearing more about our ministry in person, please be in contact with us about dates and times. It's gonna be great! ;)
Until then,
Micah & Amy Tuttle {and family}
Labels: Conferences, IBEM, travel, Trujillo