Dear friends and family,
As we walked through the market (the closest thing that the jungle town of Yurimaguas has to a Walmart) we had to negotiate around piles of bananas, oranges and dried fish. A friend from Houston Texas, 6 Peruvians and myself were on our way to a prime open air preaching spot, but when we arrived we found that a Shamán had already beat us to the "pulpit". This "witch-doctor" was quite an interesting fellow as he had set up his table with skulls, medicines and different spiritist trinkets. As he preached his message of lies to about 8 people we set up right next to him and began to preach God's message of truth to a crowd that reached about 200 people almost instantly.
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." (Eph 6:12)
That night there were about 30 new people at the church where I once again preached the gospel. Many stayed after the meeting with broken hearts and wanting to be dealt with personally before God. Only time will tell how many genuine conversions there were but until then I seek to glorify God by preaching the gospel of His Son (Rom 1:9).
-Micah for the Tuttle´s
Video of Open Air in Yurimaguas or copy and paste the following link:
Pictures of the trip with short-termer Daniel Belcher or copy and paste the following link: jungle trip, short-termer, Yurimaguas
Dear friends and family,
As we walked through the market (the closest thing that the jungle town of Yurimaguas has to a Walmart) we had to negotiate around piles of bananas, oranges and dried fish. A friend from Houston Texas, 6 Peruvians and myself were on our way to a prime open air preaching spot, but when we arrived we found that a Shamán had already beat us to the "pulpit". This "witch-doctor" was quite an interesting fellow as he had set up his table with skulls, medicines and different spiritist trinkets. As he preached his message of lies to about 8 people we set up right next to him and began to preach God's message of truth to a crowd that reached about 200 people almost instantly.
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." (Eph 6:12)
That night there were about 30 new people at the church where I once again preached the gospel. Many stayed after the meeting with broken hearts and wanting to be dealt with personally before God. Only time will tell how many genuine conversions there were but until then I seek to glorify God by preaching the gospel of His Son (Rom 1:9).
-Micah for the Tuttle´s
Video of Open Air in Yurimaguas or copy and paste the following link:
Pictures of the trip with short-termer Daniel Belcher or copy and paste the following link: jungle trip, short-termer, Yurimaguas
Dear friends and family,
The cold fog swirled in around us as we rode our horses higher and higher up into the majestic Andes mountains. Javen, Cullen, myself and a few friends from Trujillo were on our way to the mountain village of "Chonta Alta". This village is situated at about 11,000 ft. above sea level and has an absolutely amazing view of towering peaks, emerald green valleys and fascinating rock formations. It is in that setting that we would spend the next 3 days preaching, teaching and distributing Bibles, clothes and medicine.
When we finally rode into camp we were greeted by about 200 brothers and sisters that had recently arrived from the surrounding villages (some having walked for more than six hours in order to hear the teaching). After we had shaken hands with countless people and eaten a fine meal of guinea pig and potatoes we quickly launched into a short five hour evangelistic meeting. That night we slept (tried to sleep) on hard boards in quite cold temperatures. The conference had officially begun!
The next day Steve Twinem (Canadian missionary friend) Ruben Quispe (Peruvian missionary friend) and myself (American missionary friend) took turns preaching in an accumulative 10 hours of meetings. Javen and Cullen had a good time being missionaries-in-training and helped in many ways. They participated by helping to teach the "campesino kids" a few songs, helped with the Bible story lessons, hiked all around the countryside with the other kids and ate Pringles and Oreos in the tent while I suffered through sheep guts soup in the church. It was a great time (besides the vomiting and headaches from altitude sickness) and the boys were saying that they want to go again at the next opportunity :)
Thank you for praying.
-Micah for the Tuttle's
See a video I made up there by clicking or copy/pasting this link:
More photos here:
See pictures and a video on facebook here:
To receive this message in your e-mail, join our electronic mailing list here:
Labels: Chonta Alta, Conferences, photos, video
A Merry Thanks for the New Year... got to cover all the bases :)
0 comments Posted by the tuttle tribe at 12/04/2008Dear Friends and Family,
Peruvian Food
Giant toasted ants taste a lot like bacon-flavored popcorn. Quite good. Much better than criadillas (sheep testicles) or mazato (chewed up yucca spit juice). Of course nothing beats ending the day with a good hot cup of coca tea (not "cocaine", but both do come from the coca leaf). Please pray that we* continue to not get sick from any of the strange things we* eat. J
*editor's note: should say, "...pray that Micah continues to not get sick from the strange things Micah eats"*
I love my wife! Amy and I celebrated 12 years of marriage last Saturday and in that time God has blessed us with 5 wonderful kids and given us an exciting life of ministry in Peru. Amy is a really amazing woman. First of all she walks with God and is truly a virtuous woman (an exact fit to Proverbs 31). Secondly, she not only puts up with me, she loves me too! Thirdly, she is the ultimate mom! I mean, I just really lucked out** when I married her! That's why we got married so young. I knew that I had to get the gold before someone else did. Please thank the Lord with me for my wonderful wife J
**editor's note: we don't believe in luck, but if we did, I (Amy) would be the lucky duck. And though I'm flattered, I fall far short of the ideal, that is Christ... perfection IS my goal through HIM though :) **
We just wrapped up a crazy 6 weeks of, maybe, too much ministry.*** Upon returning from a "spy out the land" trip to the jungle, we had an intensive month of training at the Bible Institute here. I taught Paul's missionary journeys and Bibliology. It has been great to invest in these Peruvian preachers, evangelists and missionaries. Please pray that God would continue to use them to His glory.
***editor's note: Despite being super busy, we did end the month wishing we had could have done more. It is an ever-changing process to learn how to best use our time to glorify HIM. So many things we could do at any given moment!***
This month I was also able to do a lot of one-on-one evangelism and open air preaching (this is extremely exciting and will infuse the Christian with all kinds of energy). This energy (God's fuel) has helped me to continue preaching in the jail, the drug rehab center and in several of the local churches. Altogether, I was able to preach or teach about 70 times last month. Please pray with us for my throat/vocal chords,as with all this usage, I've been struggling with throat/voice issues lately.
We thank all of you who pray for us and support us financially.
Please pray specifically that God would continue to provide for our needs in these uncertain times.
Micah for the Tuttle's
****final editor's note: See photos from this last month's trip to the jungle here:
These are the believers that are gathering in Tarapoto where we are considering moving to. We are standing in front of the property they've purchased to build a church on. The building will have to be demolished, it was severely damaged in an earthquake.
Labels: evangelism, family, photos
Hey there!
We just thought we should tell you that we arrived safely with absolutely no problems. We did not get a flat tire, or run out of gas, or get buried by a landslide!! It was amazing. (Our camera broke, Mya´s diaper exploded and the kids were wrestling in the back seat for 2/3 of the way... but that´s besides the point. We´re here now, and happy :)
So, thank you for praying for us!
Last night, Micah met the group of believers here, that have relocated to the city from the churches along the river between here and Yurimaguas. They are a small group of 6 adults and 16 young people and meet in a really small house on the outskirts of the city. They are badly in need of another meeting place where they could meet more comfortably as well as add to their number.
In consideration of moving here, we´re trying to get a good look at the city. Today we´ve gone all around looking at different places to rent to get an idea of what there is, and for how much. We´ve been pleasantly surprised to find that there are in fact many options. There are lots of houses to rent but strangely it seems to be a lot more expensive than in Trujillo. In our search we´ve found a property/building that would be PERFECT for a church really close to where they are already meeting on a main road and 2 blocks away from a really cool house for rent. The property has a huge open building and room for a soccer field, and the house has a huge mango tree, an avocado tree and a lime tree... what else could we ask for?!
We continue to seek the Lord´s leading. We are strangely beginning to think that He must be leading us to win the lottery!! hahahah! We are convinced however that our God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and if He leads, He will provide. And we would maintain that He is unaffected by economic recessions! Please continue to pray with us!
Micah and Amy
PS. I´m going to try and post some pictures soon, so go check the link below in the next couple of days:
Labels: jungle trip, photos
Hello Friends and Family,
Life has been speeding along as usual. We've been pretty busy over the last couple months but things are just about to speed up! As I write, everything is packed and we're about to leave for another trip to the jungle... driving. That's actually what prompted me to write! Please, please pray again as we're headed back to the jungle.
Here are a few specific requests for this next week:
- hat we'd see just what the Lord would have us to see; that we'd have open hearts
- we'd meet the people that He wants us meet
- that we'd be able to get a good idea if the Lord has work for us to do there
- safe travel & health (20 hours in 2 days each way with 5 kids! ...hahahah, woohoo!)
Please pray for the following:
- November -
- classes for IBEM (Bible Institute), 4 weeks
- December -
- evangelistic campaign in Ayacucho, 1 week
- conference in mtns (Chonta Alta), 1 week
- short-termer from Houston for Christmas break, 2-3 weeks
- January -
- Capacitacion Biblica - Trujillo, 2 weeks
- another jungle trip planned, 2 weeks
- February -
- classes for IBEM (Bible Institute), 4 weeks
- Capacitacion Biblica - Yurimaguas, 2 weeks
We so covet your prayers.
Thank you for loving us,
Amy for all
Labels: Capacitacion, IBEM, jungle trip
Okay, here's another try. Sorry that last one didn't show up...
Here's a sample of our jungle trip pictures:
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See more at http://tuttlekids. com/Gallery/ 9_08
Amy for all
Labels: jungle trip, photos
Hey thank you all for praying for us!
The trip to the jungle was very profitable, and everything went VERY
well! Praise the LORD!
We'll write more about it later, and share pictures. But we just
wanted you all to know that we have in fact arrived safely home :)
Amy for all
Labels: jungle trip
We are still in the jungle, we decided to take an extra day to see
another city with possible ministry opportunities. That, and it took
FOREVER to get here! Oh my. 17hours over two days is a LONG time!
Thank you all for praying.
The car has held out so far. We have every reason to hope it will do
just fine ´til we get back. We told it we will reward it with a nice
lube job as soon as we reach Trujillo.
The road was fine (as in not muddy), but VERY dangerous in certain
spots. The road is closed for construction except from 6pm until 6am.
Which means, it was pitch black when we drove it both ways. Lightning
kept lighting up the sky, as we were driving home last night over the
most precarious parts of a road waiting to fall into the depths of the
abyss. There were spots of the dirt road that were only wide enough
for one car, and it was SO curvy you couldn´t see if cars were coming.
We endured 2 hours of this! PRAISE the LORD it did not rain until we
were across. We decided to come last night and it was a good decision,
guided by the LORD.
The kids did SUPER, please keep praying that the return will be just
as pleasant. I told them I was SO proud of them for being such good
travellers. And no one has gotten sick!! Praise the Lord!
We are seeing a lot for consideration for future ministry
opportunities, please keep praying that the Lord would guide us
clearly in laying those plans.
We will be driving Today and tomorrow (Friday and Saturday-Mya´s bday).
Thanks again for praying,
Amy for all
Labels: jungle trip
We feel that we really need prayer on this trip.
As you think of it, please pray, and tell others to pray too!
I've set it up so that you will receive a prayer reminder each day until we're
gone. It will be the same, just a fresh reminder to pray!
I hope this doesn't bother anyone!!
Amy for all.
Labels: jungle trip
We have decided to make a last minute trip to the jungle
...driving in our car!
Please pray for us and the car as it is a 17 hour drive!
We are leaving right now (Monday), and will come back on Friday.
Pray specifically:
**no car problems
**no landslide/road problems
**healthy kids/parents
**the Lord's guidance as we consider
future ministry possibilities there.
We'll let you know how things are going once we arrive!
Thanks for praying!!
the Tuttles
Labels: jungle trip
We aren't sure how it happened, but a picture of Micah with one of the teams he took to do open-air preaching in the plaza de armas of Trujillo made it onto ! hahah! Go and check it out.
It's from pretty far away, but it is Micah translating for a team from Maryland.
Here's the link:
Love from all the Tuttles,
To see some recent photos of us click HERE.
Labels: Way Of The Master
Please continue to pray for the classes in session in Cajamarca. The students have finished their first week of classes. We have our largest group of students ever this module, which is encouraging.
There has been some difficulty between several of the churches there, and so we are pleased to see them all cooperating somewhat for this module of the Institute. Please pray with us that all involved would see how good and pleasant it is when brethren live and work together in unity.
Dr. Fish from Emmaus has been down for the last week and a half and Micah has kept him busy! We have taken full advantage of having this Bible scholar here, and it is great that he is able to get around with his knowledge of Spanish. He was able to give a missionary refresher session Saturday, preach on Sunday morning, and teach Psalms all week in IBEM. Praise the Lord for this opportunity to have an exchange teacher for the Institute. We also got to have him for 4th of July and spend a day with him at an interesting archeological site here.
This is our last week with Amy (Mimi) Miller (short-termer from IA, attending Emmaus Bible College). We are so grateful for the time she has spent here with us. Her experiences learning about another culture, what full-time ministry in our neck of the woods looks like, as well as taking part in everyday missionary life, are SO valuable and will serve her well for her whole life. Please pray about it, talk to your church leaders and let us know if this is something that you or someone in your church would be interested in doing. Periodically, IBEM will be hosting short-term teams from Europe and Canada as well.
The kids, Mimi and I will be traveling up to Cajamarca to join Micah tomorrow or Monday. Please pray for safety as the roads are all torn up (constuction) and there have been several transportation strikes lately.
God is SO faithful and He is GOOD.
As always, we are so indebted to you for your prayers on our behalf.
Expecting His return,
Amy for all
the Tuttles in Trujillo...
We've had a great time here in Camiri, and can't believe the two weeks are already gone by. We've learned a lot about how this Bible Institute works, the students learned a lot about evangelism, our kids learned howto get along with missionary cousins and... well, we'll write more about that soon!
...we're writing now to let you all know that we will seriously need prayer over the next couple days.
Here are some things you can pray for over the next week and a half:
**we have some serious issues with our documents - we need the Lord to work out Mya's visa quickly and smoothly (on Monday morning), and that we'd be able to re-enter Peru with no problem (sometime Tuesday).
**safety in travels - plane rides, bus trips, car and train - there has been a lot of unrest and have been numerous roadblocks in the cities that we'll have to travel through.
**that the kids would experience little/no altitude sickness when passing through La Paz, Bolivia and then a few days in Cusco, Peru (this would be miraculous).
**that we'd truly exhibit the fruits of the Spirit to each other and the people around us during travel - which is a pretty big ordeal for our big family.
Thank you for your prayers,
the Tuttles ~ Micah & Amy, J, C, B, S, and M